Wednesday 16 November 2011

you have got to stop these things

Fuck it, everything. Why are you doing this to me? Is it some kind of revenge? Some silly game you hide behind? I don't know why I even bother. I should've forgotten about you when we broke up. It's been a year or so. But I'm still there, stuck where you left me. I tried to pick up the pieces, but ended up spreading them further. I just don't know how to handle the situation. I don't know what to do. It's lame. And now I've hurt someone else because I'm still hopelessly in love with you. I thought I could move on like you did. I tried, and I failed. Now there's two broken hearts. Why am I doing this. I should just quit it all. I gave up on love when we parted, and things still haven't changed. I know you wont pick me again and why would you? I fucked it all up. Everything. There's nothing changed about me. I'm still the same bastard I was thirteen months ago.

It's so weird, haha. I keep stalking you. Your facebook, your blogs. I keep reading them over and over, I keep being annoyed and sad and angry because of the things you write. I keep letting you provoke me, even though I'm sure you don't care about me in the end.

It was too much for me seeing you at Jpop. I think I caught your eye once. I tried to smile, I tried to be happy for you, but in the end, I think I couldn't manage. It hurt so much to see you laughing with all your friends. Surrounded by love. You've even got a new girlfriend now. And I'm just here, in the same place as your other ex, being bitter that she ain't me. I hung out with your ex at Jpop, did you notice? She's nice and all, I see why you would fall for her. But each time you were around, she started saying things like 'Oh my god, the idiot is around again' and 'someone I don't want to see is coming this way', and after some time I caught myself thinking 'I'm hopelessly in love with him too, why don't you just shut the fuck up and bite your tongue?'. Each time she looked away, I desperately tried to make you out in the crowd. Sighing each time, it was annoying.
I couldn't even think of anything else. Well, only one other person. I was hoping so much it would work out, but in the end you were right. It didn't. It was just a flirt that could never evolve. Perhaps it's because of my state of mind? Well, not only. Partially, it is, I know.

I'm a miserable, lonely little bastard and I'm desperate for love. But nothing works out and it annoys me. It makes me depressed and suicidal. I just want to disappear. Even just for a while, yea? I just want to float in nothingness and be no one. Nothing.

Right now I'm just an empty shell. Work fills out my day and when I get home in the evening I don't really have more energy to be sad. I'm just sitting there, in front of my computer and sigh in despair. I just want something to work out for once. I just want someone near me to hold me. Something that will work in the long run..

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